This list is a brief description of the most common shot types used in film. The examples given are mostly from horror films so that I can rearrange the old and create the new, as it were said by Bentley.
Extreme Long Shot: The extreme long shot focuses not on the subject (as often the subject is not even visible), but the view is so far that the point of the shot is to show the environment and surroundings.
Often, the ELS is used as the ‘establishing shot’, introducing the setting to the audience at the beginning of a new scene.
In horror films, it is used when the action is very spread out, such as when demonstrating the mass number of zombies in a zombie-horror, or even showing the audience the large scale of the setting that the film is taking place.
I definitely intend to use this shot in my film, as an establishing shot of the setting the film takes place in, or a demonstration of the isolation that the characters must face (as the fields that they are stuck in are so vast).
Very Long Shot: The very long shot is part way between the extreme long shot and the long shot. The focus is very much on placing the subject or character within the environment. This can also be used as an establishing shot, in which the audience is shown the environment as well as the character, allowing the audience to be able to get a feel of the setting in relation to the character.
The shot can also be used to show multiple subjects on screen at once.
Long Shot: In the long shot, the subject takes up the full frame, showing the whole body of the character. This shot is often used in horror films to reveal to the audience the full figure of the villain such as in slasher films like the Halloween series.
Mid-Shot: The mid shots usually captures the subject from the waist up, showing part of the character in more detail, whilst making the audience feel like they are actually looking at the character.
The mid shot is often used when the character is speaking, without the facial emotions that must be portrayed. It also allows room for various gestures and movements to portray certain emotions.
Often, the ELS is used as the ‘establishing shot’, introducing the setting to the audience at the beginning of a new scene.
In horror films, it is used when the action is very spread out, such as when demonstrating the mass number of zombies in a zombie-horror, or even showing the audience the large scale of the setting that the film is taking place.
I definitely intend to use this shot in my film, as an establishing shot of the setting the film takes place in, or a demonstration of the isolation that the characters must face (as the fields that they are stuck in are so vast).
Very Long Shot: The very long shot is part way between the extreme long shot and the long shot. The focus is very much on placing the subject or character within the environment. This can also be used as an establishing shot, in which the audience is shown the environment as well as the character, allowing the audience to be able to get a feel of the setting in relation to the character.
The shot can also be used to show multiple subjects on screen at once.
Long Shot: In the long shot, the subject takes up the full frame, showing the whole body of the character. This shot is often used in horror films to reveal to the audience the full figure of the villain such as in slasher films like the Halloween series.
Mid-Shot: The mid shots usually captures the subject from the waist up, showing part of the character in more detail, whilst making the audience feel like they are actually looking at the character.
The mid shot is often used when the character is speaking, without the facial emotions that must be portrayed. It also allows room for various gestures and movements to portray certain emotions.
Medium Close Up: The medium close up is part way between mid shot and close up, showing the characters face more clearly without getting too close.
Close Up: A close up usually features the whole of a person’s face, demonstrating their facial expressions and the emotions they are conveying. It can also be said that the audience are drawn into the characters personal space and are made to share their emotions.
In horror films, this shot is often used when the characters must portray the fear that the audience will be sharing, or to demonstrate the horrifying, twisted emotions and features of the villain, such as the famous shot in the shining of Jack Nicholson looking through the door.
Close Up: A close up usually features the whole of a person’s face, demonstrating their facial expressions and the emotions they are conveying. It can also be said that the audience are drawn into the characters personal space and are made to share their emotions.
In horror films, this shot is often used when the characters must portray the fear that the audience will be sharing, or to demonstrate the horrifying, twisted emotions and features of the villain, such as the famous shot in the shining of Jack Nicholson looking through the door.
Extreme Close Up: An extreme close up zooms in to show extreme detail of a particular subject. Usually in film, this shot is used to focus on a certain aspect of the characters face, such as their mouth or eyes. This is often used to create suspense and tension I horror films, demonstrating the fear in the characters eyes as they witness something horrific.
Useful research into shot types. You have linked this to how you are going to use this and horror conventions.