Friday, 30 March 2012

Conventions of Horror

There are many codes and conventions of the horror genre, and these range right across the spectrum from settings, to sounds, to key characters. So, let's start at the beginning!

Usually in horror films, the setting is one of the key tools at instilling fear into the audience. There are various ways of approaching this. Either through the sense of being alone, or the sense of being trapped. For instance, zombie films such as Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later often place the characters in situations where they are entirely alone. Even if placed in a giant cityscape with plenty of room to hide, they are either alone or with a select group of allies. This creates a sense of helplessness, as there is no one around to save you and basically all other life forms are out to get you. While, on the other hand, you could be surrounded by others but in a situation where there is little to no hope of escaping. An example of this would be Saw 2, where a group of people are all trapped inside a mysterious house together. Both of these typical scenarios can create great terror within an audience, who share the character's feelings and are horrifyingly forced to experience the character's fear.

I originally planned to go for the former of the scenarios for my film, basing my story out in vast open fields with little help to be found, however I realised there was little stopping me from combining the two. I moved my story to an urban setting, filled with dark and tight corridors with still little help from allies. I feel this would create even deeper feelings of terror in my audience.

It is arguable that the camera-work is more important in horror than any other genre. There are various techniques that can create vast emotions and feelings within your audience. Very high and low angle shots, for example, can be used to connote fear and nightmares, as well as giving the audience a sense of powerlessness in given situations. A common shot within the horror genre is the point of view shot, where the audience are given the opportunity to experience the world through either the eyes of a helpless character in the film, or of the monsters themselves. An example of this would be in Evil Dead, where there is a particularly long point of view shot of the monster chasing the protagonist.
Handheld shots, such as those that make up the Blair Witch Project, create a feeling of great uncertainty and mystery to the audience as it is often very difficult to make out what is actually taking place on camera. On top of this, it actually forces the audience into the film, in a sense, making them truly feel more involved with the horrors and nightmares happening in the film.

I intend to use point of view shots in my film to create an eerie atmosphere and truly leave my audience with shivers as they wonder what it is whose eyes they are seeing through, before finally revealing the monster's face.

Sounds can be very important in horror, or even the lack thereof. Ambient sounds can be used to create a creepy, tension-building atmosphere, while diagetic sounds such as unknown footsteps can alert the audience to unknown dangers and leave them on the edge of their seats. Heartbeats are also wonderful tools, as not only can they be used to set a pace to the action on screen, but their gory undertones and link to blood and horror set a great tone.

Colours such as black and red are often used in horror, what with their links to darkness, evil, blood and danger. As they are particularly dark colours, lack of lighting is an expressive weapon whilst creating the horrors of the unknown shadows. What lights there are should be expressive and wild, such as uses of fire, which of course represents danger as well as being capable of creating unruly, wild shadows.

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