Friday, 30 March 2012

Dead Country Trailer

Comment on the filming experience

Filming for my horror trailer was not the first time I had filmed outside and I feel that experience from filming my AS film. However, it was the first time I had filmed in a public place. I found this to be quite and interesting experience, and I enjoyed it a lot.
There were a few shots that I am rather proud of (mainly the ones viewing the feet of the zombie) and I am pleased with the way that they came out. I am also proud of my use of initiative, as we lacked a tripod dolly and there were shopping trollies at hand, I decided to get into a trolley and film as I was moved around by one of my actors.
There was one shot, however that I would really have liked to redo. I attempted to shoot the elevator doors closing on my lead male as he tries to get in, and I had taken over 15 failed shots, but eventually the guard requested we stop filming in the lifts. Though we had phoned ahead and were granted permission to shoot in the lifts, that particular shot took too long and I was unable to capture it at acceptable standards, eventually running over our agreed time limit as the lift needed to be reopened to the public. All of this aside, I am happy with the way I managed to link different shots together to show that the doors closed on the lead male.


Make-Up: £2.50
Travel Expenses: £6
Food costs: £25 (£5 per person)
Entrance to car park: £6.50


All in all, these expenses seem quite small. As the college in fact lent all the equipment to me, the most costly parts of film production were largely irrelevant to me. If I had to pay for the equipment (camera, tripod, etc) and the production was of a more professional quality, the production would be much more expensive. Also, I was generously donated make up materials such as liquid latex and fake blood.

Equipment list

To actually film, I will be using a Cannon EOS 600D. This camera is very useful as it films and stores footage in a digital format, allowing me to easily edit my footage without needing to convert it. On top of this, the camera has various useful functions such as automatic focus, allowing quick and efficient filming at a reasonably high quality.
Alongside the camera, I shall be using a tripod. These are very useful as they provide great stability for cameras, creating steady, high-quality shots, and can be manipulated to create various angles and movements when filming.

o edit my film, as well as design both of my auxiliary tasks, I will use an Apple Mac. It is a very professional piece of equipment and can be used to create many high quality pieces of media.

In terms of software, I shall be using Adobe Photoshop CS5. This is a very professional image manipulation program, allowing great precision when editing images. This is what I will be using when creating my film poster and magazine front cover.
For editing my film footage, I shall use Final Cut Pro, a very powerful video editing program which provides various video editing techniques whilst remaining easy to use. I shall mainly make use of the ability to cut and assemble various clips in any order, as well as various filters and sound files to create the right atmosphere for my film.

Crew List

The crew shall consist only of two members; myself and Hal Smith. Hal, having had experience with the particular equipment I would be using as well as being an experienced film maker in general, selflessly volunteered to help with production, teaching me how to use some of the pieces of equipment that were new to me, as well as operating an additional camera.

Other than this, myself as director and camera man are the only crew needed.


As I am creating a horror film, makeup is both a very important part and a very fun part!
Having looked at various videos and images (such as those shown below), I picked up a few tips and ideas and got to practising on a kind volunteer.

The process, I learned, generally involves applications of liquid latex and tissue, steadily layering one after the other. After the general texture is obtained, appliances of white face-paint should be made, before moving onto to darker and bloodier colours, as well as dabs of fake blood. Below is step by step progress whilst practising.

I was relatively proud of my first attempt at zombie makeup, however for my final product I shall definitely use lighter colours and avoid to much black, as it gives off a more 'burned' feel than a decaying texture, the latter of which I want for my zombies.

Costume ideas

Costume ideas

When coming up with costume ideas, I made sure to take inspiration from more modern horror films. It came to my attention that many of the recent horror films are aimed at a much younger audience than previous horror films. For this reason, many of the female characters wear rather revealing clothing, appealing to many of the males in the audience (Mulvey 1975). An example of this is Megan Fox in Jennifer’s Body, shown below.

To replicate this, I shall make sure that the lead female role in my film has a particularly short dress, however I will allow my actress to wear tights if she'd prefer, both to make the film seem more appropriate for the younger audiences and to preserve my actress' dignity.

For my lead male, I simply decided that a casual approach is best. As my film is set in the present, my actor should wear whatever a typical male of his age would. This also helps appeal the the members of my audience who are of a similar age to my characters, allowing them to relate more and therefore share the horrors that my characters endure.
However, it would have to be able to be covered in fake blood, as well as handle a few rips and tears, and so I can't ask that my actor brings his own clothes. I shall have to get some of my own, and the same generally applies to the zombie.